Feb 28, 2011

59 of 365

My friend Mark and I are postcard buddies. We swap travel tips and talk about what Adam Richmond/Anthony Bourdain spots we've visited. My collection has about 15 postcards so far. 

Feb 27, 2011

58 of 365

I love collecting shells. I'll find them in the nooks of our car, my pockets, or on top of my desk.

Feb 26, 2011

57 of 365

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin 

56 of 365

You know you live in a small town when the doughnut man gives you your doughnuts even though you only had a credit card, and he only takes cash. Then, he says, "Come back when you get the cash. Just don't forget." 

Feb 24, 2011

55 of 365

My hubster's gma saved a bunch of his toys from when he was a wee one. This pup is my favorite.

Feb 23, 2011

54 of 365

Mystery bouquet from Trader Joe's to remind me that spring is around the corner. 

Post Processing: Blur Effect and Vignetting 

Feb 21, 2011

52 of 365

Required college reading and just-for-fun-post-college reading. Can you tell which is which?

Feb 19, 2011

50 of 365

Looking forward to our vacation. Not quite sure if I'll be swimsuit ready because I've lost a few days of working out to my sinus infection.

Feb 18, 2011

49 of 365

My hubster's grandma used to say that we were like a duck and chicken because we didn't speak the same language. There were always lots of hand gestures, short sentences and lots of laughter. My chicken finally has its friend back.

48 of 365

It's going to be a wet weekend. We already have a small stream in front of our sidewalk. 

Post Processing: Sepia Filter, Vignetting, and Sharpening 

Feb 16, 2011

Feb 15, 2011

46 of 365

Last Valentine's Day post. Promise. I went to my other school (Remember, I work at 2 schools.) to plan for tomorrow. I found all of these super cute homemade valentines waiting for me. Isn't the camo-inspired valentine too cute?

Post Processing: Fish Eye Distorter

Feb 14, 2011

45 of 365

When you teach, paper valentines with cartoon characters go with Valentine's Day like milk and cookies. 

Post Processing: Film Filter - Cinema (High)

Feb 13, 2011

44 of 365

I was trying to take a photo of my little bean. Then, Tabatha and her big head bumped me. So, ta-da!

Feb 12, 2011

43 of 365

Cutest puppy ever! Look how happy he is in his stroller.

Feb 11, 2011

42 of 365

When I was a wee one, I loved learning about the color wheel. From then on, I've always leaned towards the cool side of the color wheel. 

Post Processing: Tinkered with deepening the colors and saturation. 

Feb 10, 2011

41 of 365

A morning drive through the country. Fresh air for my throat and emerging cabin fever.

Feb 9, 2011

40 of 365

Inspired by Inception. Life is a puzzle. 

Post Processing: Fake Tilt Shift

39 of 365

Our Jasmine is coming in nicely. Spring is almost here.

Post Processing: Cross Processing Film Filter and Vignetting

Feb 7, 2011

38 of 365

I'm sick from the kiddos. I have little patience to get the right shot, so I'm just trying to get any kind of shot up. Thanks for your patience.

Feb 5, 2011

36 of 365

The middle school where I sit from 8:30-3:30 (on a Saturday) learning how to teach amazingly gifted kiddos. What a loooong day!

Feb 4, 2011

35 of 365

Yes, the first week of February is already done and we still have Christmas lights out. I was embarrassed until the kiddos requested Feliz Navidad during the music assembly today. Feliz Navidad!

Feb 2, 2011

33 of 365

My mom sent me these adorable Valentines to share with my friends. The trick will be to get them out before V-day or they're going to become a cute decoration in my craft room.

Feb 1, 2011

32 of 365

My hubster told me why the rat is top dog on the Chinese calendar. He mooched a ride on the ox to get across the river. Then, hopped off immediately. Sneaky or smart?